Both indoor and outdoor air pollution can lead to significant problems in the environment as well as the people who live close to the source.
Most Physicians Worldwide Agree Climate Change Negatively Affects Patient Health
Physicians all across the world have seen how climate change can negative impacts on their patient's health, especially with asthma, COPD, and cardiovascular disease. These have a lot to do with the air they breathe. Click here for the article.
The atomic resolution structure of a strain of rhinovirus C. This has been resistant to current antiviral drugs.
UW, Purdue Scientists Solve Structure of Cold Virus Linked to Childhood Asthma
Increased air pollution and asthma symptoms go hand in hand. While it is crucial to strive forcleaner air, scientists are also discovering ways to prevent severe asthma, particularly for children. Click here for more information.
How to turn carbon dioxide into sustainable concrete
Researchers are discovering ways to recycle carbon that would have otherwise gone to waste, to now go to other building materials to make roads, bridges and many more other sites. Click here for more information.
Health Effects of Fossil Fuel Pollutants
Carbon Emission has a Major Affect on the Environment
Read about how to lesson your carbon footprint in this pamphlet by PSR Chicago. Click HERE.