Resources and Information
*Click on the titles to view the handouts.*
FACTS: Danger in the Air, Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease [American Heart Association/American Stroke Association]
Air Pollution: Particulate Matter (PM) and Gaseous [Wisconsin Environmental Health Network]
Particle Pollution and Your Health [United States Environmental Protection Agency]
Ozone and Your Health [United States Environmental Protection Agency]
Ozone and Health of Wisconsinites [Clean Wisconsin]
Water Quality and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
*Click on the titles to view the handouts.*
CAFO’s and Water [Wisconsin Environmental Health Network]
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Human Health, Community and Environmental Impacts [Sierra Club, Iowa Chapter]
Nitrate in Drinking Water: A Public Health Concern [Iowa Environmental Council]
Tests for Drinking Water from Private Wells [Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources]
*Click on the titles to view the handouts.*
Protecting Your Child’s Health From Toxic Stress [American Academy of Pediatrics and KidCentral TN]
Mold Factsheet [Occupational Safety and Health Administration]
Mold [National Toxicology Program]
Children and Pesticides Don’t Mix [Beyond Pesticides]
Prenatal Environmental Health Assessment [Wisconsin Environmental Health Network]