Climate & Health Presentations & Videos

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AIR pollution & Health video

Created by NASA’s Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team, this video helps visualize the health harms of air pollution.

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Communicating the health effects of climate -ppt

This CDC presentation covers the basics of climate change, health effects, and what communities and individuals in response.

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Mindful climate action videos

This series of videos, created by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at UW-Madison, explores how climate action can improve health and happiness.

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Global Warming & Health video

The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change explores the key findings of their 2019 report in this artistic video.

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Transportation, climate, and Health -ppt

Changing out transportation to better the climate has many co-health benefits. Find out more about them in this Medical Society Consortium powerpoint.

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Extreme heat & health video

This NRDC video covers how temperatures are increasing and causing heat illnesses and emergency room visits.

Presentations for Health Colleagues

The Medical Society Consortium maintains a list of great presentations that share the impacts of climate and health. Some topics include:

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Climate and Community Health Video

This CDC video discusses how climate change impacts health and what your community can do to prepare.

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Climate and Health short slide presentations

Created by the University of Minnesota for health educators, these short slide decks introduce nine climate and health topics: Water and food supply, environmental degradation, increasing allergens, extreme heat, severe weather, air pollution, changes in vector ecology, water quality impacts, and an introduction to resources.

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Heat related illness for outdoor workers video

Created by the Southeaster Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, this video explains how to protect workers from heat in a changing climate.