Climate & Health Presentations & Videos
AIR pollution & Health video
Created by NASA’s Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team, this video helps visualize the health harms of air pollution.
Communicating the health effects of climate -ppt
This CDC presentation covers the basics of climate change, health effects, and what communities and individuals in response.
Mindful climate action videos
This series of videos, created by the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at UW-Madison, explores how climate action can improve health and happiness.
Global Warming & Health video
The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change explores the key findings of their 2019 report in this artistic video.
Transportation, climate, and Health -ppt
Changing out transportation to better the climate has many co-health benefits. Find out more about them in this Medical Society Consortium powerpoint.
Extreme heat & health video
This NRDC video covers how temperatures are increasing and causing heat illnesses and emergency room visits.
Presentations for Health Colleagues
The Medical Society Consortium maintains a list of great presentations that share the impacts of climate and health. Some topics include:
Climate and Community Health Video
This CDC video discusses how climate change impacts health and what your community can do to prepare.
Climate and Health short slide presentations
Created by the University of Minnesota for health educators, these short slide decks introduce nine climate and health topics: Water and food supply, environmental degradation, increasing allergens, extreme heat, severe weather, air pollution, changes in vector ecology, water quality impacts, and an introduction to resources.
Heat related illness for outdoor workers video
Created by the Southeaster Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, this video explains how to protect workers from heat in a changing climate.